Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hey Blogger World Part 2

Hello bloggers ^^

Well,sorry if I'm late to introduce myself here. This is my 2nd blogger page for your info.
Em,isn't cool!?? Ah,forget about it,it is not cool at all..
Previously,I have a blog account...which I didn't used it anymore..
OK,in fact I CAN'T sign in..well, maybe there's some blogspot problem or something......
err,fine..I admit it,i forgot my password... T.T

What? you wanna see my previous blogger page? oh,okay...

there it is..but remember,i can't sign that in,so it will stuck there FOREVA!
Oh,maybe you may ask why I put the title Hello Blogger World 'Part 2'??
the 'Part 2' thing?? that's because of.............................(is that suspen enough?) is because of i have made the part 1 at my previous blog page that i gave you the link =)

It's going to happen the same here too. I'm malayan (Melayu), female..
oh,and 1 more thing,this is going to,I'll say it first here...forgive me if I talk 'rojak' here,lol!

And,i love cats..very2 much..i love to post cats picture,so I wanna post some of it here,HAHA

Peanut and Kecik
i think that's all from me now..x de byk bende nk ckp,just nk inform yg ni page baru,hehehe (ttbe je BM) hahaaha..LATER! BYE2



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